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Monday, July 14, 2014

Governor Fred: "My heart is full of passion for this organization"

West Coast Region Governors 2013-14 are greeted by
International President Ron Huxley and Debbie
onstage at the Optimist International Convention
Twenty-one PNW District Optimist Club members joined Governor Fred Wallace at the Optimist International Convention in Las Vegas, NV.

As always, it was an inspirational mix of activities to motivate attendees to do more at home in the name of optimism. Governor Fred shares his thoughts of the experience in the following note:

Good Day fellow Optimists, Foo's and JOOI members. International Convention was the most fabulous Convention I think we have ever been to. My heart is so full of passion for this organization, the wonderful people involved in it, and the youth we are able to help. I will try in a few short paragraphs to relay some of the passion and heart felt information we received.

We had really wonderful entertainment at the different functions. Awesome food, and camaraderie. We heard many stories of why we do what we do and the people we help. The training sessions were well done, precise, to the point and easy to understand.

We are members of only one of a few of the largest service organizations in the world. Through the caring for each other and the love for our youth we need to keep this group going for future generations, the only way to do that is to grow. All you have to do is ask someone to take a look at what you are so passionate and excited about. We have 79 days to make Our District one of the top in Optimist International; I really, really need your support and help. It won't happen without YOU. So let's show the results of our efforts to the stupendous Optimist International 2013/2014 President, Ron Huxley.

If you think this Convention was fun, wait till you see what we have in store for our District Convention August 14/16/2014. By the way, there were 110 first timers there in Las Vegas; we have no excuses at all. Can you imagine the thrill of going across stage at First Quarter and showing the other members in your club that they can do it too?

I can't thank you enough for all your help this year, but we are just getting started. I love all of you. When people like President Ron Huxley and Ken Garner President Designate lose it when relaying their passion, maybe there is hope for me. You have given me a wonderful gift this year by allowing me to follow you to the top. 
Teresa and I send you all the hugs we can muster. -Fred

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