Chris Stearns, District Secretary/Treasurer at that time, established a campaign through the Optimist International Foundation on behalf of the district for this second scholarship.
In order to remain solvent, this campaign fund must receive at least $2,500 in donations each year. Obviously, we would like to receive more so that we can endow this project well into the future, but both the need and the wish rely on you, our Optimist Clubs, and their supporters.
Our thanks go to the following supporters of the program in the 2013-2014 administrative year:
- Albany Optimist Club - $100
- Ray and Shirley Hilts - $100
- Mary White - $100
- Vancouver, BC Optimist Club - $100
- Gresham Optimist Club - $100
- Meridian Optimist Club - $1,000
As you can see, as of this writing we are still $1,000 short of our commitment for this year.
To make a donation to the CCDHH speaking scholarship, please send your 2014 contribution to:
Ray Hilts, District S/T
3012 Takena St. SWAlbany, OR 97321-3424
Ray will then forward your contribution to the campaign fund with Optimist International.
Please know that this is the same procedure for clubs and members in the US or Canada. This second scholarship is a PNW District award and the winner of the scholarship will receive their award via a check to their chosen university upon enrollment. The student must request the award be transferred by contacting the current district secretary/treasurer at that time. The secretary/treasurer will then ask for the needed information to fulfill the request.