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Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Calling Santa's Helpers in the Tri-Cities

According to Charlie Kissler, President, Tri-Cities Optimist Club and Lt. Governor extraordinaire, Zone 10, there's a right way and a wrong way to invite members to an Optimist Club meeting. You see, you always have to make it sound like fun; and then, of course, you have to deliver on your promise.

So for this week's meeting, the members of the Tri-Cities Optimist Club received this little poem from Santa's Chief Helper:

‘Twas the week before Christmas and some people in our city,
Could not afford gifts, isn’t that a pity?

The Tri-City Optimists, while pursuing the Sunny Side,
Chose to give back to their town, some gifts they’d provide.

Wrapped they must be, those presents willy-nilly,
So the entire group went to Hopwood’s for Chili.

Some wrapping they’d do, and all have great fun,
While ensuring a Merry Christmas for ten families, every one.

We’re halfway to our goal of a Christmas so cheery,
If we all help on this, no one will be weary.

The Kennewick place to be is 1500 S. Taft,
Where all the “wrappers” will display their craft.

Being an Optimist, I am sure I will see,
EVERYONE there, and happy, like me.

It starts at 6:30, to be early, feel free,
But if you get thirsty, it’s BYOB.

I hope my little poem doesn’t give you a fright,
Forward I’m looking to seeing everyone tonight!

Merry Christmas

Charles Kissler

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