It's that time of year when Optimist Clubs scramble to add and delete members. The goal set by President Jack Creswell and Optimist International was for every club to strive to end the administrative year, September 30, with a net gain of at least one new member.
Every club that completes that requirement is eligible to receive $100 credit towards the next dues billing from Optimist International. To complete the requirements, the club must also be current on dues, complete 3 projects and report them on the President's Pride report, and recognize an individual for their optimistic service.
Sounds like a pretty easy way to earn a quick $100 to me!
I often hear people say that they don't do what they do for awards. But it's not about the awards; completing those minimum requirements help ensure your Optimist Club's longevity and Optimist International is so committed to this process that they are putting up hard cash to recognize its importance.
If you want to raise that amount to a $250 credit all it will take is 15 net new members.
Don't worry; if you can't make it to 15 this year, the same program is in place for 2012-2013. End strong and begin strong. It's all for the kids.
We love stories about your Optimist Club. Please tell us one and we'll add it to the website.
Friday, September 28, 2012
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