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Monday, July 9, 2012
Be optimistic and serve
Happy Monday morning, Optimist Club members and friends.
The "share optimism" thought today comes from the official Facebook page for Junior Optimist Octagon International (JOOI). I thought it was a great way for Optimist Club members to start the week and I also hope that it sends a message to those leaders who are on their way to Milwaukee for the 94th Annual Optimist International Convention. It takes great vision and a positive attitude to lead our organization and we thank you for your dedication.
While on the JOOI Facebook page, I also learned that while at the International Convention the students will be doing a service project with Easter Seals of Southeast Wisconsin . The Easter Seals mission statement is "To create a community that promotes health, happiness, independence and safety by providing individuals with disabilities increased opportunities for access, inclusion and choice." That sounds like a perfect opportunity for an Optimistic partnership. Why not visit with the Easter Seals in your community and see if there is an opportunity for your Optimist Club to provide a needed service?
pnw district optimist,
share optimism
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