Judith Hillend, a member of the Gresham Optimist Club, wrote in to the PNW District today to tell us what a wonderful weekend she and other Optimist Club members shared with the contestants of the Oratorical and CCDHH contests in Newport during the third quarter meeting.
She said:
"When you are allowed to listen to nineteen wonderful students speak to you how Optimism helps them over obstacles, the outcome is overwhelming. These children of several ages spoke from their hearts about their lives, their obstacles, and their successes - obesity, family problems, hard of hearing and deafness - it brought tears to my eyes and many other Optimists in the audience. The previous list is very limited, but these kids were talking in one of the greatest obstacles in any child's life, talking to adults in a crowd. They are all winners, and those who didn't win prizes are encouraged to return next year. We will be waiting!"
We'll update you on the winners and all of the details of the weekend when more reports arrive. Thank you, Judith, for sharing your enthusiasm and respect!