The Boise Noon Optimist Club hosts an evening social on the fifth Tuesday of the month. Last evening was a fifth Tuesday and I was happy to join them at the Boise Noon Optimist Club Youth Sports Complex along with about 35 other Optimist Club members from the Boise Noon and Meridian clubs.
President Ken Wall served up breakfast for dinner and you can see him and Cindi Wall manning the grill in this picture. My what we expect of our presidents. {grin}
Along with catching up with stories between clubs, Jerron Moore, Executive Director of the football program announced that the Boise Noon Optimist Club had just been informed they would receive a $293,000 grant from the City of Boise for further improvements to the park. He described the projects that included a playground, tennis court, restroom facilities and more grounds and field expansions. Congratulations!
The Boise Noon Optimist Club program is the largest youth football program in the United States run completely by volunteers. Volunteer members conceived, developed and maintain the facility, raise funds for the complex, manage the concession stands, oversee and sometimes conduct construction projects, and coach the children, both boys and girls in football and cheer.
One other thing that you can add to their to-do list is striping the fields. Club bulletin editor Walt Callahan shared the following pictures with us of the striping crew at work.
The Boise Noon Optimist Club football program and youth sports complex - it really is a labor of love.
Thanks to Walt Callahan, Bulletin Editor Extraordinaire of the Boise Noon Optimist Club for the pictures.
We love stories about your Optimist Club. Please tell us one and we'll add it to the website.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
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