" Fun is a difficult word to define and yet we know when we are having it. It is a difficult thing to predict and yet there are some friends that we have fun with almost every time we get together," writes Gerry.And with that heartwarming sentiment, the Abbotsford Optimist Club and members from other clubs in Zone 2 wished a fond farewell to their lt. governor and friend Stephen Poirier. Read the special edition of the Abbotsford Opticom complete with party pictures of all those crazy Canadians here.
Stephen announced last month that he would be moving to Saskatchewan before the end of the Optimist administrative year. On behalf of the PNW District, we wish you well Stephen. Please stay in touch via Facebook and email and whenever possible join us for a meeting and let us know how you are doing.
On a personal note Stephen, thank you. I also want you to know that it is good to see you holding the cake instead of wearing it.