On Saturday December 12, 2009 at 10:00 am Gresham Police, Fire and the Gresham Optimist Club brought some Holiday cheer to ten under privileged area children. Ten members of the Gresham Police Department, ten members of the Gresham Fire Department and ten members of the Gresham Optimist Club volunteered their Saturday to shop with these kids. Each child received $100 dollars and was escorted through the Gresham Fred Meyer by one GPD member, one GFD member and one Optimist Club member in search of that perfect gift. After the shopping was done the kids were treated to lunch at Burgerville then taken to the Salvation Army to wrap their gifts. This program relies solely on contributions. If you would like to contribute to next year's event contact the Gresham Optimist Club.
Thanks to a donation from WalMart, the Gresham Optimist Club and their law enforcement partners are heading out again this weekend to do it all over again with a new group of young shoppers. And that's one way that Optimist Clubs help put the merry in Christmas. Thank you!