Think about the one thing that would help you serve more kids in your community. What is it? More members! That's why we're excited to promote the Nametag Program for awareness and membership in the Pacific Northwest District - Optimist International.
What is it? The Nametag Program asks you and all the members of your Optimist Club to choose one day a month to wear your nametag all day as you go about your usual business. You will discover that the nametag makes you approachable. People will say hello and ask you why you are wearing a nametag and that's your chance to tell them all about your Optimist Club.
Practice your elevator speech and ask them if they want to learn more. Invite people to visit your club and when they do, ask them to join. It's a great way to spread Optimism in your community.
Are you ready? Set? Get your nametag on!
We love stories about your Optimist Club. Please tell us one and we'll add it to the website.
Friday, November 13, 2009
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