Please help us welcome the newest member of the PNW District family: The Eagle Optimist Club.
The Eagle Optimist Club was organized on Tuesday, November 17. They meet at 12:00 noon on Tuesdays at Chicago Connection, 344 W. State Street, Eagle, Idaho.
Sixteen charter members are working on several programs for the season. The first is Coats for Kids, chaired by Rachel Cushing. New and gently used coats are being collected, cleaned and repaired and redistributed to children in the community.
Also in the works are Christmas Food Baskets, chaired by Brian Doerty. Both projects are being coordinated with the Landing Community Center.
The Eagle Optimist Club is currently welcoming new members and charter membership status will remain open through December. Please contact us for more information. A charter banquet is being planned for January.
Showin in the picture (left to right): Board Member Jessie Horney, Co-President Mike Harris, Board Member Brian Doerty, Co-President Gretchen Brown, and S/T Randy Rabehl.
We love stories about your Optimist Club. Please tell us one and we'll add it to the website.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
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