Congratulations to Ed Murphy III for being chosen as the governor-elect of the Pacific Northwest District of Optimist International for 2009-2010. He will become governor of the district in October 2010.
Being asked to serve is always an honor and for several years, Ed has frequently declined saying not yet. In his acceptance speech he explained why he chose to accept the opportunity at this time. According to Ed, he has been a part of an Optimist Club for forty-three years through his grandfather, father and uncle and personal membership. While reminiscing through his uncle's old photo albums and scrapbooks earlier this year, he realized that life can sometimes be short or take us in other directions so the time to step up to the next level of Optimist leadership was now.
We are happy that Ed figured out what many have known for some time and welcome him to the 2009-2010 Executive Board. Best wishes to Ed and all Optimist leaders for success.
We love stories about your Optimist Club. Please tell us one and we'll add it to the website.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
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