Have you made your plans to attend the Optimist International Convention? It is being held in Orlando this year - a real family vacation destination - on July 8-11.
Highlights include orientation and training sessions for all incoming officers for clubs and districts, personal development workshops, and terrific Optimist fellowship for all to enjoy at all functions.
Of course the overarching purpose of our gathering is to participate in the governance of the organization. Every club should consider sending their club president and president-elect so they may represent your club at the business sessions and participate in all voting that will take place.
One issue that has been proposed is to increase Optimist International due by $10 per member. Other issues will be announced soon and may be found at www.optimist.org or www.optimistleaders.org.
Talk about it at your next club meeting and make your plans to attend. Early bird registration has been extended to May 11.