Kudos to the Optimist Club of Vancouver, Washington for using technology to give the Optimist Oratorical Contest a present-day appeal! With the help of the City of Vancouver and cable station CVTV, the contest was recorded and is now available to be viewed on demand at your own computer monitor. Click on the link to watch eight remarkable students speak on the topic "Why me, why not?"
Optimist Club of Vancouver Oratorical Contest (3-8-08)
Mary White, President, presided over the event, interspersing a delightful Optimist infomercial featuring the great activities of the Optimist Club of Vancouver.
Top speakers in the contest were Clareesa Jones, 1st Place; Sonia Jones, 2nd Place; and Ariel Jones, 3rd Place.
We love stories about your Optimist Club. Please tell us one and we'll add it to the website.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Optimist Oratorical Contest broadcast in Vancouver
optimist club,
oratorical contest,
public speaking
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