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Friday, March 5, 2010

Enthusiasm in Eagle, Idaho

Check out the enthusiasm of our new PNW District Optimist family members!  The Eagle Optimist Club held their Charter Banquet on March 4 and Optimist Clubs from the Boise Valley were there to show their support.  Sponsoring club Meridian gave the new club an Optimist Creed banner and American flag.  Co-sponsoring club Jerome will be providing official name badges and they also presented each charter member with one of International President Mark Shriver's theme pin with the eagle logo.

Governor Linda Jackson and Director of Growth Rocky Jackson presented the official banner, bell and gavel to co-presidents Gretchen Brown and Mike Harris.  Secretary/Treasurer Randy Rabehl was entrusted with the official charter from Optimist International.

Past International Vice President Bud Aune presented the new club with an honors/awards banner and challenged them to strive for the best. 

Governor Linda welcomed the new club and also asked the clubs present - Boise Noon, Caldwell, Eagle, Jerome, and Meridian -  to work together and to nurture each other so they might all come together in 5/10/20 years to celebrate even more Optimist Clubs in Idaho.

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